Interpretation of Status 2075 Old Question Paper

 Interpretation of Statues (522), 2075

Times 1.5 hrs.

Full Marks : 50

Candidates are required to give their answer in their own words as far as practicable. All the questions are of equal value.

1 Explain the meaning and objectives of interpraction in brief

2 Briefly explain the principles of interpraction 

3 Differentiate between repeal and revival Also explain the consequences of repeal. 

4 comment on the interpraction of statutes Act.2010 B.S

5 Write short notes on any THREE OF the follings.

a Differents between proviso and exception

b Consolidating and codifying and exception

c Constractionof resmagis Valeat quam percat.

d Ejusdem generis rule. Beneficial rule.
